My Covid-19 Escape

Since the beginning of last year I have been trapped in my home! No travels, no family and friends gatherings, no dining outs…. NOTHING!!! And this has been very, vey hard on my mental and overall wellbeing, but I am sure that this is what everyone in the world is going through these days. ItContinueContinue reading “My Covid-19 Escape”

“To Make Or Not To Make The Bed; That Is The Question”

I am pretty sure that Hamlet, being who he was, would have never bothered to discuss such a dilemma; but we ordinary people, with extraordinary busy lives, who are faced with this tedious chore every single morning may ask this question and seek a reasonable answer. There is no doubt that there are two typesContinueContinue reading ““To Make Or Not To Make The Bed; That Is The Question””

Simple and Cosy Living Room Holiday Decor

This year I was too late with any Holiday decorating, and it was only two days ago that I was, finally, able to put up my Holiday decor in the living room. Even though I decorate for the Holidays, my approach for the seasonal decor is keeping it simple and easy, meaning that I doContinueContinue reading “Simple and Cosy Living Room Holiday Decor”

Weekend Makeover – My Niece’s Bedroom

My niece is a busy bee. She is an university student, soon to graduate on two majors Accounting and Finance, so if she is not in a class or at the library studying for her exams, she will be either at the gym lifting weights, boxing, running on treadmill, or taking a class on advancedContinueContinue reading “Weekend Makeover – My Niece’s Bedroom”

How To Decorate A Room From Scratch

Working in the field of home styling for a few years now, I am constantly approached by clients who are faced with decorating dilemmas as the time to move into their new empty place, be it a house or an apartment, approaches. That’s because decorating a room or the whole place completely from scratch isContinueContinue reading “How To Decorate A Room From Scratch”

Repurposing A Dining Room Into A Bedroom/Reading Room

It is no news that people live more casually today than they did when formal dining rooms were put into homes. If you like the idea of inhabiting every room in your home rather than setting aside a formal space that is only used a handful of times a year, than this post is forContinueContinue reading “Repurposing A Dining Room Into A Bedroom/Reading Room”

DIY – An Artful Thermostat Cover

Thermostats!!!!! These eyesores which we find in almost every home! Due to the nature of this device it is recommended to be mounted in a plain sight, in a common room, at eye level. This makes it pretty easy to notice this unsightly device and make you yearn to have it gone: but, getting ridContinueContinue reading “DIY – An Artful Thermostat Cover”

Decorative Rectangular Handcrafted Pillow

No room is completed without decorative pillows on a sofa or a chair, and everyone knows that pillows are a great decorative element by which you may inject style and colour to a space. I love using pillows, by the way a lot of them, in my styling projects, and I am sure that IContinueContinue reading “Decorative Rectangular Handcrafted Pillow”

Facelift Of An Old Space Using Dark Colours

In cases when you are not in a position (financially or for any other reason ) to undertake any renovation of a dated space in your home, than giving a fresh coat of paint always is a good idea. Sometimes, only a coat of paint paired with some stylish details may transform the most datedContinueContinue reading “Facelift Of An Old Space Using Dark Colours”

Disa nga stilet ne disajnin e enterierit dhe s’i t’i dallojme ato

foto: Pinterest Padyshim se egziston nje numer tejet i madh i stileve ne disajnin e enterierit, por ne kete post une do te fokusohem vetem ne disa nga ato te cilat kan qene me prezente ne dekaden e fundit. Secili nga ne, ne ndonje faze te jetes do te perballemi me nevojen ose thjesht deshirenContinueContinue reading “Disa nga stilet ne disajnin e enterierit dhe s’i t’i dallojme ato”

DIY Line Art Decor – H&M Home Inspired

Most of you already know that H&M HOME is now widely spreading around the world and their HOME Line is full of incredibly modern home accent pieces at very affordable prices. I love shopping for accessories in their stores, but I have to travel to another country in order to visit their stores as thereContinueContinue reading “DIY Line Art Decor – H&M Home Inspired”

Si t’i perdorim ngjyrat e errta ne enterier

Foto: Instagram Per sa i perket perdorimit te ngjyrave te errta ne enterier, mbreteron supozimi se ambientet e brendshme te ngjyrosura me ngjyra te mbyllta jane depresive dhe e bejn qe dhoma te duket me e vogel dhe klaustrofobike. Nje supozim i tille i bene te pasigurt adhuruesit e ngjyrave te erreta per t’i perdorurContinueContinue reading “Si t’i perdorim ngjyrat e errta ne enterier”

Trendet e Enterierit ne Vitin 2019

image via Instagram Fillimi i vitit eshte koha kur shumica nga ne kemi deshire qe t’a fillojme vitin me dicka te re, e per te gjthe ata te cilet ne plan e kan te fillojne vitin me ndonje renovim te hapsirave te tyre te banimit ose thjesht deshirojne qe te bejne perditesimin e hapsirave banuese,ContinueContinue reading “Trendet e Enterierit ne Vitin 2019”