Hana’s Bithday Celebration

On my previous post I talked about how and why I ended up in NYC at this time of year. Usually I go there at Chrismas time, but this time was for a special occasion. Beginning of February my niece Hana, was about to turn 18th so she demanded that I fly to NYC toContinueContinue reading “Hana’s Bithday Celebration”

Stroll Through Some of The Most Iconic New York City’s Buildings

My recent stay in NYC was one that will be remembered for its duration, fun and the great time spent with my sister, niece and nephew. The idea to visit NYC during this time of year was initiated last summer by my dearest niece Hana. My sister, niece Hana, nephew Rron and I, usually spentContinueContinue reading “Stroll Through Some of The Most Iconic New York City’s Buildings”