Decorating with Pillows

Dekorimi me Jastek Without a doubt pillows are one of the most important accessories widely used in interior decor; because, not only they offer comfort but they also create visual interest of the space decorated with them. Jasteket dekorues jane padyshim nje nder aksesoret me te rendesishme ne dekorin e cdo ambienti, sepse perveq qeContinueContinue reading “Decorating with Pillows”

Cool Terrace Re-Design

Ridizajnim i Terraces Verore I was recently given the opportunity to re-design and style the terrace of one of the most frequented cafes in Peja city, Kosova, which reopened last night after a couple of weeks of recess during the renovation. Projekti im i radhes ishte ridizajnimi dhe stilimi i nje terrace verore te njeContinueContinue reading “Cool Terrace Re-Design”