Curtain Design

Dizajn Perdeje

I am a big fan of curtains and drapes, and have always been. They are one of the easiest ways to give a room or any space a face lift and they have the power to instantly brighten or soften a room.

Gjithnje kame qene adhuruese e madhe e cdo lloj perdeje, dhe si e tille edhe kam mbetur. Nje prej menyrave me te lehta per t’a zbukuru nje dhome eshte permes perdeve. Ato kane fuqi qe ne menyre instante ta qelin dhe t’a zbusin atmosferen ne dhome.

Since I love curtains so much I always try to come up with unique and fun designs.

Pasi qe i dua perdet aq shume, gjithmone mundohem qe te krijoj dizajne unike dhe qe, sipas meje, jane kenaqesi per t’i shiquar.

The latest design is this fun curtain which was made for my wardrobe area in my bedroom. However, this cute drape will a make beautiful addition to any room or space, and this design will serve as a prototype for anyone who would be interested to order from the variety of fabrics samples of which are expected to be available next week in my studio.

Dizajni i fundit eshte kjo perde, qe duket qe eshte plote qejf, dhe e cila eshte punuar per kthinen e garderobes ne dhomen time.Megjithate, ky dizajn i perdes munde te jete pjese zbukuruese e cfardo dhome ose hapesire. Ky dizajn do te sherbej si prototip per te gjithe ata qe kishin me qene te interesuar t’a porosisin kete model nga materialet e shumellojta, mostrat e te cilave, do te jene ne dizpozicionin t’uaj qe nga java e ardhshme ne studion time.


If you need help creating a functional, welcoming home filled with warmth and elegance please do not hesitate to ask for my design/decor services by e mailing at No matter how small the homeowners’ budget is I will help create beautiful living spaces for less.

Nese ju nevojitet ndihme per te kriju nje dekor funkcional, dhe ambiente banuese plot ngrohtesi dhe elegance mos hezitoni te me kontaktoni ne e mail adresen dhe te pyesni per sherbimet tona te dizajnit/dekorit. Sado i vogel qe te jet buxheti per dekorin e juaj te radhes, une do te ju ndihmoj qe te krijoni ambiente te bukura te hapsirave te banimit dhe te punes per pak para.

We offer in person and online services. Check the Service icon at the Home page of this blog.

Ne ofrojme sherbime dizajni/dekori ne person si dhe online. Per spektrin e sherbimeve tona klikoni ne ikonen Services te ketije blogu. Ju mirepresim.

Thank you for visiting

Ju falemnderit qe vizituat kete faqe.


8 thoughts on “Curtain Design

  1. I am so thrilled to see my curtain design being featured in your weekend wrap up. Great features, and feels great being one of them. Thanks for the feature Diane and have a great week ahead.

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